Backyard Waterfalls in Nassau County, NY 11598
Can Small Backyard Ponds and Waterfalls Increase Your Nassau County, NY Home’s Value?
Backyard waterfalls in Nassau County, NY are beautiful, so it’s not surprising that many people want to build a pond or a smaller waterfall in their yard. They can provide many health and environmental benefits, from bringing you relaxation to purifying the air to inviting wildlife into your yard. However, can small backyard ponds and waterfalls in Nassau County, NY increase your home’s value?
While you may want a small pond or a water feature, it’s no surprise that it’s expensive to create a pond or outdoor waterfall. And when you spend that much money on your backyard, it’s tempting to hope you can get some of that investment back when you sell your house.
There are many factors that can come into play when answering this question, and Scott Anderson Design will discuss them below. If you’re interested in adding a water garden to your backyard, you must read this blog post first. Call Scott Anderson Design if you want to build a pond and create the perfect backyard that may increase your home’s value.
Many Types of Water Features
First, you may wonder what types of water features are available for your the area backyard. One type of feature is a small pond. Nothing is more beautiful than a pond, especially if you fill the pond with koi fish. You can sit outside, run your hand along with the flat stone on the edges of the pond, and breathe in the scent of nature.
There are also backyard waterfalls that you can add to your Nassau County, NY yard. These larger structures are perfect for listening to the calming sound of water trickling into some shallow water.
You can also have a fountain installed in your backyard. However, no matter what you choose, you need to choose a professional, like Scott Anderson Design.
Positives and Negatives
Water features for your the area yard look beautiful, but can they increase your home’s value? There are some positives and negatives of owning backyard waterfalls that can affect your home’s value. Before installing a small pond or waterfall, consider these pros and cons.
They Increase Your Curb Appeal
One of the best pros of water features is they can increase your curb appeal. Many homeowners desire the perfect curb appeal, and a pond with modern flexible liners and perfectly laid stones can do just that.
Many people desire to have a Zen place in their home they can go to and relax. When you include a garden pond in your backyard, you create that serene place. Plenty of homeowners searches for homes with plenty of curb appeal.
It Blocks Noise Pollution
Plus, waterfalls can block noise pollution. If you live somewhere near traffic, this is a great asset and can increase your home’s value. Listen to the water moving and close your eyes. Suddenly, you’ll find yourself transported out of the area and into nature. Who doesn’t want a little break from the city?
They’re Expensive
However, there are a few cons. One of which is the price. Landscaping of any kind can cost a lot of money, and ponds and waterfalls are no different. If you don’t have a lot of money lying around, don’t build a pond just to increase your home’s value. What homeowners in Nassau County, NY want will always change, so you never know if small backyard ponds and waterfalls will increase your house’s value or not.
They Require Upkeep
Many homeowners may not want your home with a water feature because they require plenty of maintenance and upkeep. Some people may not want to put in the time, effort, and money to keep the fountain or pond looking beautiful, so you may lose potential homebuyers.
Can Small Backyard Ponds and Waterfalls Increase Home Value?
So can small backyard ponds and waterfalls in the area increase your home’s value? There is no definitive answer to that question. Many homebuyers seek the beauty and curb appeal that backyard waterfalls bring. However, others don’t want to deal with the upkeep.
If you’ve considered building a pond or waterfall, you should do so because you want it, not because it may increase your home’s value. If you want to learn more about the benefits of water features, call Scott Anderson Design at 516-729-5668 today.
Directions from Nassau County, NY to Scott Anderson Design
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